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For many years, I worked as a clinical psychologist. I was licensed in California (until September 2021) and also in Connecticut. Due to my focus on self-actualization and spiritual development, I often gave seminars in America and Europe. People around the world began to connect with me and ask for practical guidance. Over time, helping people under the medicalized rubric of therapy no longer fit for me.


It was never my desire to work in a clinic or to specialize in suicidal clients, personality disorders, psychosis or heavy addictions. Nor do I wish to be constrained to working solely with local clients in my state of residence. In my own life I have connected with many wonderful mentors across the world - as quick and easy as a phone call or Zoom meeting.


That is why today I work with clients around the world as a coach and guide. I still uphold the ethics of confidentiality and professional boundaries that were ingrained in me. This keeps the work clean and clear. 


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